Monday, February 6, 1995


Take heart when times are troubled
and there seems no way to turn,
I am with you now and always
and know your every fear, concern.

I know you try to heed Me
when I say to you, fear not,
but your humanness is very weak
and your soul’s long since forgot..

The Kingdom where, from whence you came
where faith and light abound,
when once you lived and shared with Me
in Triune Love profound.

But if you listen closely
with open hearts, I’m beckoning,
reach out your every fibre
to My Sacred Heart do cling.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Feb. 06, 1995

Sunday, February 5, 1995


The season’s one of dryness
our hearts, arid and parched,
the stubborn regions of our thoughts
stiff to change, as to be starched.

The hot winds of a world astray
blow searing over feeble stems,
grown dry without the waters
that flow faithfully from Him.

Oh touch Your burning heart of love
to the tender we’ve become,
set all our hearts afire
burn tare and nettles every one.

With Your mighty Spirit wind
fan the flames to mount them higher,
then on the cleansed and fertile ground
plant the seed of new desire.

A harvest for Almighty God
a bouquet for The Spouse,
with all our hearts afire
when He calls us to His House.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Feb. 05, 1995