Sunday, September 8, 1996


It’s raining tears of angels
from the heavens sorrows streaming,
with grief for all the babies
their lives snuffed in silent screaming.

God only knows their dreadful plight
their longing and their pain,
He suffers with these wee ones
on the Cross to wash the stain.

How it pains our loving Father
to watch His children’s frozen hearts,
do deeds so black, despicable
only hatred they impart.

His gifts of love rejected
future’s help-line dustbin tossed,
eyes closed to all that is the truth
for convenience sake ‘tis lost.

Woe to those who steal from God
His gifts of love divine,
repentance not forthcoming
will mean death for all time.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Sept. 08, 1996