Monday, June 29, 1998


Soft Summer days are with us
sweet days of warmth and sun,
of trips and games and picnics
a little loafing too, for fun.

A time at last, to finally read
that book long on the shelf,
to do all the things so longed for
that are all of Summer’s wealth.

To putter in the garden
absorbing sun and breeze,
each action one of tender love
spent down upon our knees.

Oh the joy of tending
the works of God’s own hand,
and cherishing His creatures
cultivating all that is His plan.

The first order of each day will be
a prayer of thanks and praise,
to the one and only God of love
the Creator of our days.

For in all that is around me
I see His image there,
He gives us all our Summer days
His love’s for all to share.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
June 29, 1998

Saturday, June 13, 1998


The steeple bell is tolling
soft and slow it sadly rings,
strains of the organ wafting
a voice now sweetly sings.

Of how the Lord, He is my shepherd
He leads me down to lie,
in pastures green, He gives repose
and bids me now abide.

Oh the sadness of the moment
the dreadful sense of loss,
a loved one comes before the altar
to the meeting with the Cross.

With the Mass of Resurrection
and the words of love and hope,
comes joy to dwell within our hearts
helping all to heal and cope.

Your goodness Lord, will follow me
all my live-long days,
I will dwell within Your house Lord
with You forever stay.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
June 13, 1998