Friday, November 17, 2000


Leaving our burdens, our cares and distress
we went to a place to find truth and rest,
where Jesus could mend, and the Spirit would flow
to help open our hearts, to soar and to grow.

All we did was to rest, to listen, receive
our soul’s desert flourished, He filled every need,
the people of God, rejoiced, praised and sang
the walls and the rafters with joy how they rang.

These women of God, with faces aglow
hearts quickened by the Spirit, all present to show,
once again Jesus had shown us, His mercy and love
that He dwells deep within, not only above.

There was so much compassion, our hearts overflowed
the Kingdom of Heaven descended, became our abode,
Every stage of our weekend was filled to the brim
we fed at His table and abided in Him.

I am now changed forever, no longer the same
He showed me I’m someone, now confidence reigns,
I was blind and unsure, and He taught me to BE
thank You God, and the Women of Bethany.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Nov. 17, 2000