Friday, August 19, 1994


Days of darkening shadows
confusion, and anxieties,
are causing people everywhere
to fall down on their knees.

They sense a change is coming
mankind has gone to far,
there are no simple answers
no wishing on a star.

They feel adrift and driven
to all the worldly things,
caught up in swirling eddies
no fulfilment do they bring.

More and more a call is being heard
to come back to the source,
of joy, and peace, and perfect love
and diminish Satan’s force.

To get back to the laws of God
prayer and fasting everyday,
the Rosary and a simple life
to love, the only way.

An island of peace He gave us
she’ll teach us how to change,
we only have to ask her
all our lives, she’ll re-arrange.

So do not be discouraged
take heart, and heed her call,
she’ll guide you to her Jesus
before the darkness starts to fall.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Aug. 19, 1994

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