Wednesday, May 10, 1995


You’ve spoken Your Word to me
from my time of reasoning,
it kept the joy within my heart
and made me ‘oft to sing.

You spoke it when I frequented
the old folk on our street,
when I rowed out on the river
with dear Mr. Gabourie

He taught me how to fish content
without a wasted word,
when the water lapping at the prow
was the only sound I heard.

Afterwards, there’d be a treat
crab apples, red and gold,
their nectar warm and tender sweet
in my mouth delights unfold.

There were my jaunts up to the pond
where new life was full to bursting,
pussy willows, frogs and turtles
for God’s things my soul was thirsting.

And in the night, before I slept
hymns of crickets and of frogs,
wafted through the swaying curtains
a lullaby from God.

For in these sweet and simple things
even then, I understood and saw,
Your Word that every instant spoke
“I am The Lord Your God”.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
May 10, 1995

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