Saturday, February 17, 1996


Jesus is the cup of love,
filled ever to the brim,
whosoever drinks his fill
will live and dwell with Him.

Some take a sip infrequently,
some know not the cup is there,
they die of thirst in darkness,
for Him, no time they spare.

Even if were all to drink,
this saving nectar pure,
the cup would never empty,
love forever will endure.

One sip will never be enough,
you’ll wonder why you long remained,
so thirsty, when the cup of love,
could have eased your fear and pain.

Oh won’t you come, all you who thirst,
and ever drink your fill,
from the eternal cup of love,
new life He will instill.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Feb. 17, 1996

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