Saturday, March 31, 2007
You gave to me an open heart
for all who come to call,
to welcome and enfold them
to love them one and all.
I’ve done my best throughout the years
to follow where You lead,
it hasn’t been an easy road
it’s been hard to plant the seed.
For the ground’s become more barren
the good slowly filtered out,
the sower of His choking weeds
has strewn them all about.
The good soil has become so sparse
it’s in pockets here and there,
it will never be extinguished
for it’s in the Master’s care.
When we become Your labourers
isolated by our choice,
some think we’re high and mighty
and discontentment they do voice.
I know I can’t please everyone
it was the same for You,
my heart will, be ever open
in Your service my life through.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Jesus, this last journey of your short life will be the hardest.
What came before will not compare with what You are about to experience
upon Your Holy Person. Why couldn’t we have been true to You and followed
Your teachings, and all that is to come could have been only a bad dream.
From the time of our first parents, Adam and Eve, we have not
understood or taken to heart Your Saving Graces, and You will not force us
as You have given us all free will. So amazing is Your all encompassing love
and so powerful Your every Word. You spoke all Creation into being, and there
is no one like You. Our every sin, even those of omission are about to tear Your
Holy Flesh from Your body with the horrific scourging that You must endure for
our sake. The mocking, the spitting and bits of Your beard being torn from Your Sacred
face, forgive us Jesus for we know not what we do. The Crown of Thorns bearing
down upon Your Precious Head, piercing even to the skull and causing rivers of
Your life-giving blood to flow even into Your eyes so between the sweat and the blood,
You were nearly blinded, which caused You to stumble on Your Way. Oh Jesus,
the weight of that Cross upon Your already wounded body, and the horrible fatigue
after Your night of beatings and the jeering of the soldiers who delighted in
tormenting You not letting You get any rest. Three times You fell and could
barely carry on, but they finally made Simon of Cyrene assist You, or You might
have died there on the road, instead of on the Cross, and they didn’t want that.
Then Mary Your Mother was there in front of You and with Your lips so swollen and
cracked from Your great thirst, You could but gaze into each others eyes which spoke
of an Ocean of Love flowing back and forth between You. At that moment You both
were joined as one in the Love of the Father and there was no need for words. Your
two souls gazed one unto the other sharing all, the pain, the rejection, the abandonment.
Jesus forgive us for we know not what we do. Lord, You’ve made it to Calvary and You
fall on the ground along side of the altar, Your Cross, and they fasten You to it with the crudest of
spikes and the sound, oh my Jesus, when You were pierced through Your hands and
Your feet as You cried out in agony and Your Blessed Mother must have died inside being
so near to the gruesome scene. When the Cross was raised and dropped into it’s bed,
the sound it made still echos through time and repeats and repeats every time we
contemplate Your Suffering and Death. Not one bitter word did You utter as
You saw some of the ones You had healed not long before who are now
mocking You and taunting You,,” if You are God, come down, save Yourself.”
As it nears Your last breath, in Your great Love You ask Your heavenly Father
to forgive us and my heart shatters at this extraordinary act of selflessness.
Please forgive me Jesus, what can I do to make it up to You? As the skies get blacker
and blacker You breathe Your last and it is finished.
What can I say my Jesus? I will spend the rest of my days following You
and I will serve Your people and will be Your best friend. Help me Lord, with You beside me everything
is possible. I give You my ALL.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 30, 2007
How Jesus loves the little children
He used to put them on His knee,
and tell them glorious stories
oh how happy they would be.
Some tried to keep them from Him
they thought they’d be a bother,
but Jesus said “No let them come”
they’re the children of My Father.
Whenever you are sad or lonely
remember He said “Come”,
there will be joy upon your meeting
true happiness to be won.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
In the eyes of the world I am a woman,
a house wife and a mother. I am a Catholic,
and I am interested in many things such as,
I love to cook and clean often passing by the cleaned
area to see what a good job I did, a bit of pride there.
I love babies and old people and love to do things to make
them happy. The elderly are full of knowledge, some of it
maybe forgotten but what remains is a lesson for our ears.
I love to hear about the ‘good old days’, and our parents filled
our eager ears with many a tale. I find all people interesting,
no matter what colour or creed. Their cultures, their habits,
the ‘whys’, the ‘wherefores’ what makes up their daily lives.
More than likely they have good days and bad days like the rest of us.
I guess you could say I have an ingrown curiosity about a lot of things.
Our world is a beautiful place created by the One True God. Sometimes
though I find it a hard place to live when mankind seems to be doing all in
its power to reek havoc on all that is good. I do realize there is a lot of good
still manifesting itself , but when all we see or read in the media proves the
opposite to be true, we begin to wonder just what is happening in the region of
people’s hearts. It appears the ice age has returned to mankind and their frozen
hearts can’t function in the manner God intended. If we want things to get back
to times when compassion was the norm, when empathy dwelled among us, and sharing
was done without thought, it was just something you did, we must start to
realize Who we are in Christ, not the world. The first thing being the fact that
I am God’s child, and He loves me with an everlasting love. He knew me before I
was born, and He loves me just the way I am. I am loveable and beautiful and have
infinite worth. Without me, creation would not be complete and I am unique.
He lives in me and I in Him. He wants me to live fully and abundantly and He sets
me free and fills me with joy. It is by His grace alone that He gives me life. I
accept all that He gives me and I thank Him for the real person I am.
All those who read these words, acknowledge that it’s true for the whole
family of God everywhere in all His Creation.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
With the experience that comes with time
I’ve realized it’s not the size of the gift, but the
attitude and the sentiment of the giver. A gift given
begrudgingly might as well be back in the store,
as there will be no joy in it, and there will be bad
feelings all round. I’d rather just be remembered,
or treated special for awhile, fix my dinner for me and then
we could dance together in the living room to some romantic
music. Wouldn’t that be nice? The things of this life just gather dust
and I want the gift of memories, that comes from doing personal,
loving, touching things for each other, that speak of genuine love
and respect. It can happen in those unforgettable
moments when you suddenly realize that you both have been sitting
in each other’s company in total peace without a word
for the longest time. To me, that is happiness of the lasting kind and hearts
overflow with that special love that God gives us, all comforting and serene.
Another thing that must be kept fresh is the touching. The caress of a hand
on the neck of our spouse as we pass by has the affect of letting the receiver know
that we acknowledge his/her presence and tells them that we care. Touch is needed
by each and every person from the cradle to the grave and without it we humans
become disfunctional and unable to interact with our peers in a normal way.
A hug heals, rejuvenates, soothes and encourages the hugger as well as the huggee.
A simple ‘thank you’ and a smile can work wonders and when you listen to someone’s
pain filled words and let them know you are there for them, somehow it halves the
problem and gives solace to a heart heavily burdened.
So don’t give me gifts a-plenty, of them I have no need,
It’s the little things I care about, they mean everything to me.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 28, 2007
When you have a lonely day
lift your eyes to God and pray,
He promised you’d not be alone
He knows your heart it’s hurts enthroned.
You were His child before your birth
He’ll show you all that is your worth
just trust in Him for all you need
and from your prison you’ll be freed.
Wings He’ll give you so to soar
and you’ll dwell with Him forevermore.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
We are appointed in this life
to take on special tasks,
and there are rules to follow
if this blessing is to last.
When we go to see the doctor
it is best that we prepare,
the answers to the questions
that we know he’ll ask us there.
When exam time nears in every school
this appointed time to find,
how all the students have progressed
and those who’ve wasted time.
At every precious moment
there is something to be learned,
don’t squander time for it’s God’s gift
never to be spurned.
The last appointment we must keep
no one can pass it by,
when we’re in the court of Jesus
and we meet Him eye to eye.
It will be best if we’ve prepared
done our homework so to say,
this exam will be our final one
for it will be judgement day.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 27, 2007
If we could see our lives today
with Jesus’ knowing eyes,
our legs would not support us
our sins we’d so despise.
We do not deserve His Mercy
but He gives it just the same,
Oh gentle heart of Jesus
rid us of disgrace and shame.
All our imperfections
make it hard to understand,
Your Perfect Love so freely given
as You gently reprimand.
Back when You walked among us
Your example to us giving,
You showed in every circumstance
how we all should be living.
Oh Lord forgive our stubbornness
and the times we disobey,
for You’ve given us the road map
to lead us to that day.
The choices then that we have made
was our love to all men shown,
did we forgive our neighbour
did we care for those alone.
We’ll know without a single word
as we gaze into Jesus’ eyes,
we’ll see the times we didn’t love
and know His pain, our sins despise.
Before this day’s upon us
pick up the Cross, follow behind
the Lord our God will lead you
where His Love will ever shine.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 27, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Spring will always be my favourite time
the air so fresh and clear,
new growth just below the surface
flower faces soon appear.
When we realized it was the time
pussy willows had turned out,
in their soft new furry coats
our hearts would fairly shout.
So faithfully they come each year
with thoughts of an earlier time,
of picking flowers for Mary’s altar
in the month of May sublime.
There would be Trilliums both white and red
dog toothed violets, heads hung down,
purple violets and cowslips
on the moist and spongy ground.
We’d sing all her lovely hymns
our hearts all shining bright,
votive candles flickered gayly
it was such a holy sight.
It was a joy to walk among the trees
with such beauty at our feet,
temperatures a little fresh as yet
put a glow upon our cheeks.
Somehow we never noticed
we were a merry band,
for we’d picked flowers for Our Lady
and life was oh so grand.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 25, 2007
The choices that we’ve made thus far
have brought us to this place and time,
it may be one of happiness
or of a life of crime.
Or maybe in fears gruesome grip
not knowing what the cause,
for there’s no Captain at the wheel
as your life’s ship’s fiercely tossed.
Adrift upon a surging sea
unknown to you the source,
of the only power capable
to keep you on your course.
Bent low by the darkness of the sins
accumulated long the way,
of days, and weeks and months and years
that you never thought to pray.
The Father has been standing by
just waiting for the spark,
of love that’s buried deep within
the dusty chambers of your heart.
You’ve tried many ways to put things right
except the only one that’s true,
it’s time to ask the Lord to enter
so He can do His Work in you.
He’ll bring about the changes needed
you will be born again,
true happiness will come to dwell
where once there lived but sin.
His laws will be the road map
that you follow from now on,
no more fear, no crime just peace and joy
rest in His heart, be calm.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 25, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
What Happened?
It seems that not that long ago
sanity was to be found,
as of late those in high places
have run it out of town.
I was growing up in my town
back some fifty years ago,
Tweed was a haven for all families
a better place we’d never know.
Life went at a slower pace
days were filled up to the brim,
our neighbours knit into our lives
every day they fit right in.
Today, I sit out on my porch
alone a long time I will be,
at all hours neighbours come and go
they have no time for me.
Once right was right and wrong was wrong
now all is upside down,
they tell us we can’t pray in school
yet what they teach has made God frown.
They are pushing their agendas
filled with darkness and with lies,
spinning webs to trap God’s children
if we don’t open up our eyes.
Oh you who love your children
take a stand, put up a fight,
don’t let them steal their little minds
as parents you have rights.
It’s God’s agenda we must follow
keep Him always in our sight,
He’ll lead us into victory
and take away this dark, dark night.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 24, 2007
So many find it hard to grasp
the elusive happiness,
when you ask someone, they often say
it’s anybody’s guess.
Like ants upon a sandy mound
we scurry to and fro,
in search of this happiness
that all people long to know.
It comes not from things abundant
nor from drugs you sniff or smoke,
it’s not in promiscuity
or laughing at some nasty joke.
These things are what the world provides
false and lasting but a blink,
in a fog of phony empty lies
into Satan’s hands they sink.
The place where happiness is found
is deep within your heart,
just say in all sincerity
Lord, come in and help me start.
To know You in a way profound
is to know true happiness,
to know You’ll love me always
puts all my fears to rest.
Oh my Jesus, thank You
for Your faithfulness to all,
You opened up our clouded eyes
and muted ears now hear Your Call.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 24, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
My children, know the reason
why on the Cross I died,
erasing all the evils
that on all mankind betide.
Three days have passed within the tomb
it’s time the fruits to show,
of pain and so much suffering
see what I told you, it is so.
I am the Resurrection
to all I bring new life,
I’ve risen, so that all will know
gone the darkness and the strife.
With My rising I now bring to you
a new way I impart,
Heaven’s door once closed, now open
there’s new hope for every heart.
There’s no reason now to worry
just put your trust in Me,
for your happiness I know what’s best
follow where I lead, be free.
When I died, was placed within the tomb
the old way put to rest,
My Sepulchre became the womb
to bring forth everlasting happiness.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 22,2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
God’s gifts to all so numerous
we can’t grasp their magnitude,
He is love, its very essence
to all His Holy Love exudes.
He gives from out His Treasury
His hands ever overflowing,
we take without a grateful thought
our thanks to Him not showing.
The reason for these gifts of love
like in the talent’s parable,
is to use them to help others
making sure their hands are full.
We take from our Heavenly Father
and our thanks should always be,
in the spending of these talents
for God’s precious family.
To take and take without a thought
of your neighbour’s misery,
because of the greed within us
we don’t have eyes to see.
Ears no longer hear the voices
of those who live in poverty,
hearts hardened by their love of self
know no such thing as charity.
As God looks down upon the masses
of His children grown so cold,
and sees the day of judgment
and how all will unfold.
The sorrow we must cause Him
so deep must be His pain,
to think that for us His suffering Son
gave His life, a death of shame.
Because of His Victory on the Cross
where He took on all our sins,
now for everyone it’s possible
His Kingdom for to win.
Lord, awaken all our senses
to Your love’s intensity,
and help us spend our talents
out of love oh God for thee.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
First I was a gift of joy
parental love had summoned me,
God sent me from His Kingdom
to be part of their family.
In retrospect I see now
I was a link in their chain of love,
as new links were added on
we were strengthened from above.
As I grew and played my part as a child
the sweetest role as yet to play,
I made the most of daylight hours
wasted not God’s gift of days.
As a teen my role was harder
as sickness took its toll,
hindered from this time of growing
I could never have foretold.
Down the bumpy road of illness
I took my first scary steps,
endless days of gasping for a breath
I felt useless and inept.
I had to change my way of living
adjusted soon to a new way,
slower paced and doing oft without
what other teens lived out each day.
In spite of all this illness
I grew in my own way,
my life was different but still good
as I turned to God and prayed.
This act of praying, my saving grace
gave me the strength to carry on,
like He said, He’s always with us
everyday and then beyond.
At the age of 25
I met the one whom I would share,
my life until our final day
go with him everywhere.
So wife became my new role
which was blessed by God’s own hand,
and to this day He’s with us
joined with Him, we take our stand.
Before long mother was my title
four times this miracle came to be,
we marvelled at their littleness
little angels born to me.
They got the sicknesses of children
measles, mumps and chicken pox,
they fell like so many dominoes
it was then I nursed my flock.
On and on the story goes
as is with all our lives,
I wait in hope to be awarded
God’s promises, the prize.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 20, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
A land of milk and honey
is our country Canada,
the beauty of the land and people
used to make us shout hoorah.
We have fields of grain abundant
and in every grocery store,
there’s enough to feed our population
and several countries more.
Why is it that we have to pay
a toonie for a loaf of bread,
we have more wheat than we can use
prices mounting to our dread.
How can those among us
who draw just minimum wage,
pay for life’s necessities
it puts me in a rage.
They need what keeps them healthy
just the same as you and I,
to get ahead is nigh impossible
with prices now sky high.
It seems that those that have the most
keep on getting more and more,
and those that really need it
use the food bank not the store.
The scales of justice need to balance
those that have must learn to share,
for the excess that we’ve stashed away
the poor, it’s also theirs.
For the riches of the world
belong to all God’s family,
let’s share the bounty that we have
and restore their dignity.
Laws of darkness are enacted
it seems we have no say,
there’s no one left to vote for
who’ll bring God’s laws into play.
Our country is so wounded
and does not our sentiments show,
they’re erasing all that’s made us proud
so many years ago.
Bring to us the people needed
Lord, before it is too late,
come back in force to Canada
common sense to re-instate.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
From the time that I first understood
what was right and what was wrong,
I’ve tried to follow Lord Your guidance
and not that of the throng.
I fell Lord in my humanness
to weak to stem the tide,
my sins filled me with such guilt
temptation took me for a ride.
Satan couldn’t keep me in his clutches
my conscience took the upper hand,
Your voice it called me from within
You told me of Your Plan.
Years have passed, it’s now more clear
that from the time of all Creation,
I was made to love and follow You
live with You, Your every Station.
Put me Lord, not to the test
for weak I still might be,
I know that You, my Lord, my God
are my true destiny.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
It’s upsetting Lord, to listen
to what the media has to say,
how Your people slowly have been drawn
to live the dark side, it’s their way.
Long ago You gave to everyone
the choice of evil or of good,
through the years some have forgotten
to live the way they should.
They think not how much they hurt You
or of their fate on judgement day,
thinking only of earth’s pleasures
and push You Dear God away.
Increase the fruits of daily prayers
for all of these who stray,
help us Lord to bring them back
to live a holy life, we pray.
So that one day in Your Kingdom
we’ll have won our rightful place,
and will see the glorious vision
of our Good God’s Holy Face.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 16, 2007
It’s so good to be here Lord
at the start of each new day,
to drink in the peace and quiet
Your gift, this time to pray.
To say “good morning Jesus”
it’s me, I’ve come to ask,
that You stay close beside me
as I complete my daily tasks.
To know You’re always with me
brings such comfort and such peace,
and when I fall I know Lord
Your love will never cease.
You pick me up and dust me off
when I go to You, repent,
You forget the errors I have made
for them all, Your life was spent.
Lord, we are mere mortals
understanding not the love behind,
a Sacrifice so shameful, yet victorious
grasped not by the human mind.
Lord, Your Living Word is written
forever in my heart,
I will follow in Your footsteps
until we meet within Your Heart.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
My first memory that remains indelibly written on my
consciousness was of my dad and myself standing out
in our front yard, where I was looking on as he burned
the long grass to get rid of the weeds and renew our yard
with dewy crisp blades of green for a carpet. This was a common
practice in those days. Our yard was large and there weren’t
any power mowers, so normally dad used a scythe which
was a labourious undertaking indeed. He never complained
and went about his tasks in a steady quiet manner as was
his habit. I was enjoying the scent of burning grass and
the peaceful comradery with my dad on this glorious day,
when all at once the melodious pealing of every church bell
in our small village jarred us to attention. Not knowing as yet
what was happening, we stood there in awe and wonderment
It was of course the manner in which they let the people
know that the war was over. Of the remainder of the day,
I have no recollection whatsoever.
My next memory is of the Orangemen’s Parade that took place
yearly in the month of August. All we children knew, was
that it had something to do with”The Battle of The Boyne’,
that was between the Catholics and the Protestants a
long time ago. With our youth we never understood the whys
and the wherefores of it all, but there was a little chant we
used to call out as they paraded on the street which I cannot
recall and I guess it’s better that way. It turned a slow day
into one of excitement and we admired the pure white steed
the leader rode and the rat-a-tat-tat of the drums.
I have a small memory of when the highway was put through
our town, or maybe it could be the result of mom telling us
over the years of the blasting and how the debris reigned down.
There was a warning first and all the moms went to retrieve
their kids and bring them to safety then “BARROOM”’,
the earth would shake and we would all screech with
the noise of the blast. I can’t be sure, but I believe my
mother’s holy water bottle came out of hiding and we
were all promptly sprinkled as was also the case with
electrical storms.
Then we move on to the exciting time when our street
was finally paved and we children bugged the construction
workers and looked on with our eyes all agog at the size of
the steam shovel and the acrid repugnant smell of the hot tar
yet it didn’t stop us from sampling the foul mixture for chewing
gum. It was ghastly and we spit and spit to rid our mouths
of the taste. We kept our guardian angels on the hop, and they
must have smiled at some of our antics.
A very pleasant memory is of our dear old cow ‘Betsy’
who kept the grass cropped and supplied us with fertilizer
for our large garden. Today this would not be possible, to have
an animal in town, but this was back when things were more
laid back and friendly. She supplied our large family with
milk and butter and her beautiful presence. I don’t remember
but I was told what happened when she had to leave us.
Betsy loved our mother and they had a friendship that was
touching, so when the men with the truck came to get her,
she wouldn’t let them put her into it and my dear soft
hearted mother had to lead her into the truck herself.
It was so hard on mom, she cried as the truck pulled out
onto the highway and Betsy was bawling pitifully.
Poor mom, poor Betsy! Such is life!
We also purchased at one time some baby chicks and
cared for them until they were ready for the pot, which as
an innocent didn’t realize their fate. I used to go out to
the barn and converse with them and one day one of the
chickens clucked in such a way as to sound like my name.I
ran to mom telling her this and I think I caused her some
anxiety because she knew the future and I didn’t.
Then one day my favourite chicken mysteriously disappeared,
and I found out later on that my pet was supper that night.
I was crushed! So much for the hard knocks of life, and on to
the fun we had with all the many kids on our street.
We played red rover, red rover, won’t you come over, statue, ditch tag,
keely keely over, may I, we skipped, roller skated, played marbles,
bounced balls off the walls of the house and so on and so forth.
The days were deliciously carefree and we fell into bed at 9 pm.,
scrubbed, rosy-cheeked and exhausted from our exploits. Oh it
was grand to be a kid back then. Life was more slow paced and
easy going and there weren’t so many bad happenings in the news,
as our small town was still a safe place to be brought up.
We hadn’t been touched too strongly by progress so all was
perfect for raising under God’s blue sky with no threat of war
or huge disasters. All was happy and peaceful.
Thank You Jesus for the gift of life.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 15, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
March days are starting to display
sure signs of Winter giving way,
to warmer days our thoughts do go
soon His Miracles the Lord will show.
Our hearts begin to sing a song
as the birds return and sing along,
the snow is melting soon to show
the pregnant earth awaits new birth to grow.
The ruckus of the jet-black crows
tells the story of receding snows,
that ‘certain something’ in the air
a newly washed smell everywhere.
Below the surface buds await
their birth at last anticipate,
long months of sleep, their needed rest
so in their time they’ll look their best.
The sun’s increasing warmth draws out
God’s curious creatures start to scurry about,
squirrels rippling over the crusty snow
their speed and agility for all to show.
Hearts beat more quickly their rhythm
our veins life’s force is driven,
wells of joy will be filled
anew, creation’s beauty is spilled.
He opens His hands as each season draws near
and a bit of heaven begins to appear,
it’s a feast for the eye, and remains ever new
He does it because He loves me and you.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 11, 2007
Friday, March 9, 2007
When we put on Christ we become like new
His truths become ours to live by,
before we judge the words and the actions of others
take the plank from out our own eye.
A teller of tales and a gossip
hurt so many with their loose lips,
ruining many good reputations
when such thoughtlessness that they let slip.
If we’re inclined to this kind of action
there’s a way to keep it in line,
the Golden Rule keeps us from sinning
what would it feel like if this sorrow was mine.
When we’ve fallen from grace by wrong doings
we must hurry to God and repent,
there’ll be no peace until we have righted
the bad seeds that we’ve sadly spent.
We must use every talent we’re given
to help all God’s children to see,
that His truths are what we should live by
only then will we truly be free.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 09, 2007
The sleeping giant is God’s people
deep in a slumbering state,
not seeing the signs in the heavens
the time is coming, the hour is late.
The push is on in all the high places
to remove God from our lives it’s true,
laws are written that will bring us to chaos
if we don’t take a stand, and renew....
Our fervour for God and His Holy Word
take it to our hearts and awake,
we are drugged by the pills of material things
give them up before it’s too late.
Children are fed on a diet of images
that portray wrongs and make them seem right,
their young minds absorb all this rubbish
soon truth and purity’s gone from their sight.
Would that this giant awake from its slumber
take a stand for what’s holy and right,
with all of God’s saints and angels
lead us out of this valley’s dark night.
We’ve been dormant too long and not taken
the road that God gave us to win,
Lord help us awake from our slumber
put a stop to this madness and sin.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 09, 2007
Thursday, March 8, 2007
It’s when we’re young, the time for learning
His ways and His commands,
never take what belongs to another
respect his person and his land.
When you borrow anything from your neighbour
return it back into his hands,
in the condition it was when you got it
if broken, repair it the best that you can.
Teach our children when they go out to play
that they must have the utmost respect,
for the people who live all around us
it’s what we ourselves expect.
When it comes to all of creation
God gave dominion to man over all,
to use wisely His gifts given to us
so there will be plenty for all.
To use the talents we’re born with
contribute them for the good of all men,
they were given to you at no cost
so give freely also to them.
Always give to the poor lonely beggar
it’s what Jesus would have us do,
for he’s a child of Our Father in Heaven
what we have belongs to him too.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
When we start on our journey
which is our day of birth,
the joy of new life welcomed
brings the love of God to earth.
At first it feels like Springtime
fresh new life on earth abounds,
days lived out in happiness
with the Summer, love’s still found.
Summer opens up its petals
the winds of change begin to blow,
the air is charged with discontent
true colours start to show.
Then in the midst of what should be
a safe and happy place,
the misuse of a substance
brings about a dad’s disgrace.
Innocence is lost forever
the Springtime of life is torn away,
tears and pain and brokeness
have brought Winter into play.
Until these wrongs are righted
until forgiveness shows its face,
there can be no healing of the wounds
that all now must embrace.
With years and much forgetfulness
a life of sorts, is endured,
there’s always something niggling
but it’s way too deep, obscure.
Long buried, these wrongs rise up
to plague life’s choices every day,
self confidence and self esteem
cannot come into play.
For they were stolen long ago
hidden deep within your being,
it’s time to resurrect them
a better future to be seeing.
The first step is the hardest
but when you reach the end,
the wrongs now in the open
at last you’ll start to mend.
Two victims with their lives renewed
step out to face each day,
Winter storms now in the past
Springtime has come to stay.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 07, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
In this life that’s in the jet lane
all at top speed every day,
there’s no time to stop a moment
we’re hard pressed to even pray.
When we’re young, we just can’t wait
to be sixteen is our goal,
we want the rights of adults
to their ways we seek to mold.
Then on to twenty-one we strive
to be of legal age,
try all the vices out there
everything that’s all the rage.
When we approach our thirties
we do a double take,
stop in our tracks and take a look
just a moment contemplate.
Why did we wish our lives away
it was all so simple then,
with age comes responsibilities
our youth, to prepare for them.
Let all the little children
live their days of innocence,
to be free from care and worries
soon enough the years are spent.
Let them taste the goodness of God’s gifts
learn of His wonders that abound,
to run through fields of daisies
look for treasures all around.
To see their sweet scrubbed faces
is to look into their souls,
they’re the closest thing to angels
on this earth we can behold.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 05, 2007
Saturday, March 3, 2007
When, oh Lord will this pain cease
will I ever get over the loss,
of the sweetness of her presence
as on a sea of grief I toss.
She brought such happiness when with us
a treasure cherished and so rare,
she quickly took up residence
in my heart and rested there.
Whenever we would get together
it was a meeting of our hearts,
we were in total blessed communion
we shared all, right from the start.
We take a risk when e’er we love
for there will always be the day,
when our heart’s of love get broken
it has always been that way.
It would be worse to never chance
a time so rich so pure,
to live in fear not knowing
this, I could not endure.
It was worth the tears and brokeness
to have known such a true friend,
she’ll always be a part of me
together to the end.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 03,2007
Friday, March 2, 2007
Though Winter’s cold was long in coming
now it’s finally took a hold,
this day, with its freezing rain
makes us shiver from the cold.
The ice it covers street and car
causing those who work, some stress,
as they scrape and clean their windshields
try to make it through this mess.
It occurred to me, that it’s the same
as God’s children turn away,
from all His love and blessings
they no longer stop to pray.
Winter’s Icy grip has seized them
it’s talons hold them fast,
they can’t fight the world’s temptations
in their weak faith could not last.
The things of life have taken hold
their hunger for them grows,
it could all be gone tomorrow
and then where would they go.
The Rock that helps in times of need
they never took the time to know,
they’re left adrift and floundering
nothing for their lives to show.
If they would turn to Jesus
for the hour’s not too late,
He’s been standing right beside them
with His arms outstretched, awaits.
Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 02, 2007
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