Sunday, March 25, 2007


Spring will always be my favourite time
the air so fresh and clear,
new growth just below the surface
flower faces soon appear.

When we realized it was the time
pussy willows had turned out,
in their soft new furry coats
our hearts would fairly shout.

So faithfully they come each year
with thoughts of an earlier time,
of picking flowers for Mary’s altar
in the month of May sublime.

There would be Trilliums both white and red
dog toothed violets, heads hung down,
purple violets and cowslips
on the moist and spongy ground.

We’d sing all her lovely hymns
our hearts all shining bright,
votive candles flickered gayly
it was such a holy sight.

It was a joy to walk among the trees
with such beauty at our feet,
temperatures a little fresh as yet
put a glow upon our cheeks.

Somehow we never noticed
we were a merry band,
for we’d picked flowers for Our Lady
and life was oh so grand.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 25, 2007

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