Sunday, April 22, 2007


Some people feel they have control over what happens
in their lives and have no need for God. They have pride as
their companion and continue to feed their egos and
the most important word in the dictionary is “I”.
They don’t see that God is always with them and in
fact is in the driver’s seat, but they won’t acknowledge it.
“I can do it myself, I don’t need any help” they say,
not realizing that without Him, they could do nothing.
The only way they can be made to know Him is when
they fail at something and have to face up to their failures, thus
learning that maybe they don’t have all the answers, and just maybe
there’s a Supreme Being after all. Those of us who have blind faith,
are unable to comprehend their thinking because we see the Creator
in all of His Creation.
When you stand outside on the deck late at night and gaze up
into the heavens and contemplate the majesty of the universe,
instinctively you know He exists. All of this was not an accident, but
a gift to all mankind by a God who loves us with a never ending love.
If He were to treat us as we deserve, no man could stand, but He lavishes
us with graces, gifts and blessings and showers us with His Mercy.
From day one, He’s had a plan for each one of us, and we’ve had
two choices from the beginning to choose good or evil. We had better learn all
we can about His promises regarding our choice. One leads to eternal suffering,
and the other to eternal glory.
Make your choice wisely!
Que sera sera!

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Apr. 22, 2007

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