Saturday, May 28, 1994


I might have been a man of God
and healed so many souls,
perhaps the ones you pray for
drifting far outside the fold.

I might have been in politics
and helped the nation turn,
from laws and ways of darkness
to righteousness, that now they spurn.

I might have been in medicine
and found for you the cure,
for many of life’s maladies
that your loved ones now endure.

To never see the world, created
by the ever-loving Father,
to never live the life He gave me
because I might have been a bother.

I might have been the helping hand
words of comfort, could have voiced,
but I was not allowed to be
I never had the choice.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
May 28, 1994

Monday, May 23, 1994


A well of tears within me
threatens soon to overflow,
I cling with desperation
to the loving hands that row..

The boat that is my daily life
adrift on stormy seas,
in times of human weakness
He brings me to my knees.

In my thoughts the evil one
plants a fog of fear and doubt,
and I am blinded as I search
to find the one way out.

Soon the winds of faith and love
disperse the fog, to me do show,
the one and only Navigator
I ever want to know.

For He will never steer me wrong
He brings about the calm,
and guides me on His course Divine
to where I e’er belong.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
May 23, 1994

Friday, May 13, 1994


In the silence of the night
when all is soft and still,
the velvet arms of darkness
soothe my heart and mind until.

All the troubles and the cares
that beset me through the day,
sink to a place of unimportance
as I lift my soul and pray.

For in my days of busyness
as events yet higher mount,
I lose sight of His promises
too numerous to count.

In the silence of the night
He tells me not to fear,
for in the day as well as night
He wipes away our tears.

All our pains and sorrows
would all on wings take flight,
if we would harken to His voice
in the silence of the night.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
May 13, 1994