Sunday, March 9, 1997


Long ago when Jesus suffered
when His blood for us did flow,
Pilate asked Him, “What is truth”
but didn’t wait to know.

The truth he knew, deep in his heart
but couldn’t face what he saw there,
so it was buried deep, forgotten
with such little thought or care.

The ghastly deed was followed through
unto its gory, painful end,
Jesus died for each of us
our errors for to mend.

Many years have come and gone
now confusion often reigns,
the world blinded by its sinfulness
is wreathing in death’s pains.

Today, the truth, we also bury
and His love so little share,
the question is not “What is truth”
the question now is “Where”.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 09, 1997

Monday, March 3, 1997


Oh merciful Jesus
do cleave unto me,
Your mercy’s profound
vast and deep as the sea.

Out of the depths
of darkness and pain,
hear me my Saviour
may Your Light in me reign.

The paths often chosen
which took me from You,
led only to wretchedness
from all that was true.

I am sorry I hurt You
it was ne’er my intent,
I have wasted Your talents
deeply buried, not spent.

Forgive my rejection
of Your love and Your hand,
in Your ocean of Mercy
I’ll ever follow Your plan.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 03, 1997