Tuesday, April 22, 1997


We walk along life’s stony road
often lonely and perplexed,
hearts filled with pain, anxieties
by our many problems vexed.

The more they press upon us
our actions tend to freeze,
becoming incapacitated
feeling not the Spirit’s breeze.

Our hearts so sorely craving
a gnawing-painful ache,
our vision of the Master
veiled by life’s tumultuous wake.

We need not dwell in darkness
for He is ever there,
just turn around and face Him
ask Him for His tender care.

He wants to share our burdens
walk with us, ease our pain,
our cross and His united
heaven’s glory to attain.

Don’t waste another moment
face the Master, turn around,
live through Him, with Him, in Him
receive His love profound.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Apr. 22, 1997

Tuesday, April 1, 1997


Who will roll away the stone
from a heart entombed in sorrow,
who will make the sun to shine
on the breaking of the morrow.

Embedded deep and painful
are all life’s barbs and woes,
boards that block the Springtime
and doors stay firmly closed.

Who will lift the burdens
that weigh us down each day,
who will show us what to do
to live His Will, His Way.

For this season’s one of dryness
as we search for nectar sweet,
remove from us this bitterness
send the peace our poor hearts seek.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Apr. 01, 1997