Wednesday, August 30, 1995


My body’s bent
my heart it bleeds,
my soul cries out
Jesus come by me.

Alone I’m broken
alone I’m weak,
without You I’m nothing
Jesus come by me.

I long for the day
when I will be free,
of a world that’s gone mad
Jesus come by me.

Hatred and wars
division and greed,
the family so broken
Jesus come by me.

New life so fragile
so freshly conceived,
is torn from it’s cradle
Jesus come by me.

Children who search
in the dark for to see,
the meaning of life
Jesus come by me.

With Your love sweet Jesus
I will become free,
so hurry sweet healer
Jesus come by me.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Aug. 30, 1995

Saturday, August 12, 1995


Oh how the heavens did resound
with perfect joy and Psalm,
when Mary rose to meet her Son
for whom her being longed.

On earth she made their humble home
a palace by her grace,
now He gave to her His Kingdom
for her eternal dwelling place.

She’d been a pure and willing vessel
the Father’s Love to fill,
now consumed with perfect love
body and soul rose up until......

Face to face the loves did meet
no more will they part,
they will live forevermore
within each other’s hearts.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Aug. 12 1995

Thursday, August 3, 1995


There are many lonely people
in this fast-paced world today,
you pass them in your daily life
as you walk along your way.

They say “Hi”, how are you
and wear a shallow smile,
they walk on past into the void
of many sad and lonely miles.

They live in fear and hide themselves
unable to exchange and share,
the person at their centre
who needs someone to care.

We cannot hide our humanness
we were made to love and give,
when we try to hide what’s natural
we cease to fully live.

There are people out there waiting
maybe they are lonely too,
their hearts in trepidation
waiting for a friend like you.

So reach out won’t you, lonely one
fear not for what might be,
who knows what love awaits you
from your loneliness be free.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Aug. 03, 1995