Saturday, August 24, 1996


The new day shouts, it has begun
with liquid rays of heaven’s sun,
Sunflowers on thick sturdy stems
raise golden faces drinking in,
life giving warmth
a gift from Him.

Atop the hill all gayly showing
Black Eyed Susans, Goldenrod all glowing,
along the roads for all to see
Queen Annes’ Lace and chicory,
Dwarf Daisies clumping here and there
tempting all to stop and stare.

Soft breezes comb the Willow’s tresses
Poplars, their whispering caresses,
ears and eyes attuned to God’s Creation
each blink a new and fresh sensation,
His creatures scurry, their day to fill
with living and to do His Will.

The crickets sing their evening song
the sun sinks low and bids ‘so long’,
then one by one the stars awake
their places in the heavens take,
nestle in the velvet of the sky
the night has fallen with a sigh.

The cares and worries of the day
retreat and peace comes in to stay,
with thanks and praise within my heart
for all His gifts, I then depart,
to the land of dreams to be refreshed
so tomorrow, in hope, can be addressed.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Aug. 24, 1996

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