Thursday, February 18, 1993


Long ago there was a tree
that stood upon a hill,
the message that it stood for then
to this day is living still.

It’s crown was covered not in leaves
but in pointed-piercing thorns,
and all the ones who placed them there
looked upon it full of scorn.

There were no branches on the tree
except for the arms of Him,
that were stretched up to the Father
nailed and trembling for our sins.

The trunk was scarred and battered
the heart broken was outpouring,
the balm that would for all time be
the wings to set our souls to soaring.

The roots were not upon the earth
but in the Father on His throne,
when all of Jesus’ blood was shed
The Father took Him home.

Though this tree brought Him so much pain
it was out of love for you and me,
He saved us by His suffering and death
upon the Sacred Love Tree.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Feb. 18, 1993

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