Monday, August 16, 1993


The moment our souls departed
from the glory of His home,
to nestle in our mother’s womb
we commenced our journey home

The first excursion that we take
is so short and causes pain,
but discomfort is forgotten
when our mother’s arms we gain.

Tiny legs begin to walk
many a tumble we sustain,
tears are wiped, a bandaid hug
and we’re on the road again.

As we grow in strength and confidence
legs take us off to class,
the tears of child and parent
soon forgotten, they don’t last.

In this time of learning
we seldom realize,
the plan the Father has for us
life’s events befog our eyes.

His patience, as He waits for us
to finally grasp the truth,
that without His help and guidance
we’ll forever stay aloof.

Oft’ times we make a wrong turn
down paths that often lead,
our souls to sin and darkness
by wantonness and greed.

But by the loving grace of God
before it is too late,
we get the chance to change our course
and follow in His wake.

Down the roads of peace and joy
never more to roam,
He awaits us smiling–beckoning
as we complete our Journey Home.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Aug. 16, 1993

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