Sunday, February 4, 1996


Each little flower of the Lord
emits its sweet perfume,
and grows from bud to fullness
for the Creator they do bloom.

Each has its own uniqueness
myriad of colour, shape, design,
traits visible and hidden
made by His Hand Divine.

We too, are like the flowers
that bloom out in the field,
emitting all Your graces
to Your breeze, we can but yield.

To all around, we show our beauty
to all our essence, wafts so sweet,
spreading all You give like pollen
making fertile those we greet.

With praise we group together
thirsty for God’s quenching dew,
faces raised like adust blossoms
with Love’s Bouquet, He will bedew.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Feb. 04,1996

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