Saturday, May 5, 2007


A melting pot of evil boiling
our planet in disgrace,
Your gift of life now torn asunder
as all Your laws we have replaced.

Satan has us in a kettle
the water’s temperature just right,
he slowly feeds the fire
so that we don’t recognize our plight.

We’ve been duped by his trickery
ah but now the time is late,
if we don’t take the leap real soon
we’ll have to accept our fate.

Jesus’ hand of mercy reaches out
to all His love He gives full measure,
Satan’s gifts the opposite
only lies and filth no treasure.

Now is the time to make your choice
of who’s words will you take heed
for eternity is fast approaching
only God has all you need.

From out the depths of sin and darkness
cry out oh children to the Son,
who’ll forgive your every evil deed
and then forget them every one.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
May 05, 2007

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