Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Mother Mary has been sending
to all her children for some time,
messages of peace and pleading
shedding tears for all mankind.

She sees the depths of sinfulness
where we have come to dwell,
and her tears pour out in torrents
we hear not death’s warning knell.

Mary’s pleas of Pray, Pray, Pray
say the Rosary everyday,
if all were to heed this message
it could bring a brand new day.

Each Hail Mary prayed with fervour
will bring her mantle down,
to cover all our families
unity at last be found.

The Hail Mary’s lead us to Jesus
in every Our Father prayed,
His Prayer given to us
to help us see His way.

In the Glory be’s we praise Him
for all His gifts divine,
especially His eternal love
and for our Mother so sublime.

It only takes a little time
from out our days of busyness,
the rewards will be a multitude
of pure grace and happiness.

The world at last will start to change
and Satan will be chained,
with his demons and his cohorts
eternally in Hell to reign

Margaret Rose Larrivee
May 08, 2007

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