Thursday, April 5, 2007


These were Mary Magdalene’s words as she met with the apostles
after having gone to the tomb and found it empty and having Jesus
appear before her telling her to bring the good news to them. She was
excited and beside herself with joy, appearing to be overwrought and
perhaps gone a little mad in her grief. The apostles did not at first believe
her thus making her even more upset. Peter ran to the tomb and came back
confirming her story and they rejoiced together, finally seeing then what Jesus
had told them, but they had been unable to grasp.
I realize now that after many years I have also finally got the message. I too, have
seen Him. Some may say “who does she think she is, making a statement like that?”
It is true none the less! The lesson coming from Mother Theresa of Calcutta who
saw each person she ministered to as Jesus Christ. The more I thought about it
the more I found it to be true for me and for everyone. The sad and lonely person
you passed on the street and you smiled and said hello, you saw Jesus in him.
When a friend comes to you all broken because of events that have happened in her
family, and you listen with compassion and hold her and cry with her and comfort her
with words of love, it is to Jesus we give succour. When your child has broken some
item that you particularly cherish and stands before you eye’s full of tears and waits
for his punishment all trembling, to pick him up and hold him and tell him it’s OK,
and to kiss him and assure him that he needn’t worry, it is because you see Christ
in him and I will with the most certainty say that the receivers of this kind of love
see Jesus also in the giver of these tender mercies. This is what it’s is all about,
being more like Jesus. He has asked us to be Holy as He is holy and the more we
practice what He has asked us to do, as we gaze into a mirror, the fog will lift and
there before us will be the image of Jesus where we once were. Oh what a day
it will be. Help us Lord to do always your will.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Apr. 05, 2007

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