Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The Good Lord asks that we be one
like the Holy Trinity,
but our humanness a stumbling block
makes it so hard to holy be.

In this world grown hard and cold
the changes have to come,
from all who follow Jesus
then ripple out to everyone.

The first thing that is needed
is with God to reconcile,
and die to self, give up all pride
in love go the extra mile.

To greet ALL of His dear children
with His Love set in our hearts,
to accept them as He showed us
all His love to them impart.

Teach all by our example
point no finger, lest you fall,
then any good that had been done
would be lost to one and all.

Jesus visited with sinners
ate at their table I recall,
He went where He was needed
showed no favorites at all.

Why can’t we be just like Him
for I know it’s His desire,
Oh Lord rekindle in us
Your cleansing Holy Fire.

We cannot do it by ourselves
we need Your Spirits gifts and fruits,
like Your Disciples had when they went forth
our seeds planted to take root.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Apr. 18, 2007

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