Friday, March 2, 2007


Though Winter’s cold was long in coming
now it’s finally took a hold,
this day, with its freezing rain
makes us shiver from the cold.

The ice it covers street and car
causing those who work, some stress,
as they scrape and clean their windshields
try to make it through this mess.

It occurred to me, that it’s the same
as God’s children turn away,
from all His love and blessings
they no longer stop to pray.

Winter’s Icy grip has seized them
it’s talons hold them fast,
they can’t fight the world’s temptations
in their weak faith could not last.

The things of life have taken hold
their hunger for them grows,
it could all be gone tomorrow
and then where would they go.

The Rock that helps in times of need
they never took the time to know,
they’re left adrift and floundering
nothing for their lives to show.

If they would turn to Jesus
for the hour’s not too late,
He’s been standing right beside them
with His arms outstretched, awaits.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Mar. 02, 2007

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