Monday, February 19, 2007


My beloved children:

Do you not see the signs of impending darkness?
Have you not eyes to see, ears to hear a heart that feels all
a-tremble at the worsening state of man and the world. The fog
of Satan is everywhere, even infiltrated into My church and into
some of My shepherds who now wish to change My Laws, and do
things their way. How quickly they forget their anointing and cease
to feed their sheep and forget to watch over them so they are
scattering at an alarming rate and giving joy to the father of lies.
The Holy Sacrament of Marriage has been scandalized by those who
would have all kinds of abominable unions, a slap in My face and a
terrible sword in My side. All sorts of filth and grime have attached their
tendrils to the hearts of men to the point where they no longer feel compassion
or know what sin is, so it just spirals out of control and in their blindness
sink deeper into darkness. How My heart yearns for their return to the fold,
so I can wipe away their tears and erase their many sins. The hour is getting
late My children, so come quickly to the safe refuge that is My Sacred Heart.
To you My children who are lukewarm, I say come out. Come out of your tombs
and draw near to the fire that is My love for you. Gather round and feel the
warmth of a God who gives you every chance to change and will fill you with
every grace and blessing imaginable. If you turn to me, and come closer to My
cleansing fire, I will burn away all that holds you back from giving yourself
fully to Me, then you will know what you have been missing for so long.
For you My faithful ones, you bring to Me your obedience, your love for your
neighbour, your service to My people, your faithfulness to all My commands and
My heart’s fire burns with the force of a million suns. What joy you bring to
Me and I desire to give you all of Paradise. It will be yours in due time and all
I ask is that you persevere in what remains of your earthly existence doing
good and helping your fellow man and the rewards, you can not even imagine.
Hold on little flock, the time is short and even now if you listen closely you can
hear My still small voice calling through time bringing anticipated joy to every heart.
Until then, I bless you......Jesus

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Feb. 19,2007

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