Sunday, February 25, 2007


It seems the more we have today, the more we want.
The demand for material things is skyrocketing out of control.
There are some who have an overabundance and will never be
able to spend it in five lifetimes. Then there are those who are just
comfortable, yet go about searching for ways to increase their holdings,
unsatisfied with what they’ve got. Then there are those who go from
paycheck to paycheck, often spending what they don’t have, and have to
pay the piper soon enough. But then there are the have nots, who often
through no fault of their own, or from unexpected, unplanned for events
that put them out on the street with no where to turn and yes, there are those
who through lack of forethought or laziness don’t make the effort to take
hold of their lives and change their circumstances. Not counting those who are
born with handicaps and don’t have the means to support themselves. There are
more than likely many other categories or levels of wealth or lack of it. When you
watch the news your heart sinks at the state of the world and the horror of starvation in the third world and yes, even in our own. There is such an imbalance in the world’s wealth where the distance between those that have and those that have not is widening at warp speed. When will we stop hungering for worldly things and crave
what is truly important? When will we rid ourselves of this insatiable greed for
things, and taste the Food that will end all the waste of the time allotted us, by the Source that fulfills our every need, the One True God. When we follow Him
love Him, and trust in Him, because only then will we grasp true happiness.
To know the love of Jesus is to be rich beyond belief.
When will the distance between the two ends of the spectrum meet somewhere in
the middle and at long last embrace each other in brotherly love and see
to each others needs and become a communion of love for the Lord, who will
then say, “well done My good and faithful servants, enter into My Kingdom”.

Margaret Rose Larrivee
Feb. 25, 2007

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is one of the best that I've read so far. This is a good message and written well. Thanks